Wednesday, January 2, 2008

sunny days

Okay, so it's not exactly sunny - in fact, it hasn't been sunny for nearly three weeks now. The garden's overgrown with weeds about as high as a two-story house and the ground can now safely be certified as swampland, nevermind that we live on a hillside.

Right, NOW I'm exaggerating. Just a little bit. As much as I am thankful for all this rain, it is getting a little laborious. Would be nice to have a little sun every now and again. You know, just for a little variety. So, as a result of all the rain, I haven't been able to finish the treasure chest before the new year because the paint took that long to dry in-between coats. I was also having trouble with the silver paint for the trims. For some reason, the paint dried quite clear, not silvery at all. I have given it at least three coats but it's still not looking good. I went and bought some silver spray paint today and will give it a shot tomorrow. Wish me luck!