Well, after a few fits and starts, I've landed here in blog-land for my label - gigi*deedee*mimi. The name was an inspiration from my older daughter. We came home from playgroup one day with an extra-large cookie cutter of a gingerbread man. I traced it out onto some cardstock and cut out three gingerbread children. I then made some paper dresses for them - the kind I used to play with when I was a little kid. We eventually named them Gigi, Deedee and Mimi. Hence the start of an idea for me.
After about six months of sewing, sewing and more sewing, I'm finally ready for a stall at a market. It's being held in Boondall at Nudgee College on December 9 - not too long now! It's a Baby and Kids market and most of the other stalls will have second-hand (branded) clothes and good condition pre-loved toys. I'm not sure what kind of reception my items will get at this particular market. However, my comrade-in-arms, Dani, has assured me that her boss is willing to stock any and all things that will not sell at her new baby shop in Ascot.
So wish me luck and enjoy the pictures of some of the items I've put up. Please excuse the bad photography, though!
Hey Sarah! Good luck for the market - I'll see you there on Sunday - I'm dragging my husband with me to carry everything! Can't wait to pick up my basket then, ciao, Karyn
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