Tuesday, December 25, 2007

boxing day

Christmas day came and went. The girls had a lot of fun at great-grandmother's place with all the other family. Sean managed to finish the bulk of the doll's house on christmas eve. It still needs a lot of work to make it 'livable' but the girls don't seem to mind.

I managed to sew the curtains, cushions and bean bag covers by christmas eve, phew! Although I'm going to have to take down the main one in the living room because there's too much white cutout fabric - it looks all rumpled and sad. The other three windows look fine. I would have preferred the white cutout fabric to have had a bigger cutout feature, though. It looks fine for smaller things like a skirt or dress, but for things like curtains, it seems a little dainty. I'll leave it for now, but secretly, inside, the quest continues ... :)

I love the way Emma's dress turned out. It was a fusion of the twirly skirt pattern and the halter dress pattern. The fabric combination worked out better than I had expected, so that was a big bonus.

Well, now that the holiday sewing is all done and dusted, I have to think about the new year. I have yet to come up with a solid, viable plan to approach some shops to sell my stuff. I quite like the idea of doing the markets, but they are too dependent on the weather. We wanted to go to the Noosa markets last Sunday but cancelled on account of all the rain. I definitely need some help but don't know whom to ask :(